Why The Jewish History of Ukraine Matters, And Why My Heart Breaks Right Now ??

From the Right and the Left, Rewriting History and Antisemitism Amid Russia’s Rush to Ignite WWIII My heart breaks for Ukraine right now. A reckless, lying dictator trying to hold onto power and restore a Soviet empire has invaded a beautiful, independent country—one with a long history of violence, specifically antisemitic. Putin’s outright lies include claiming to be “liberating” Ukraine […]

New Orleans Road Trip: Sleeping in a former Synagogue, and the Southern Jewish Experience at a New Museum

On our road trip and 3-month sojourn in Mexico, we now found ourselves in the American South: New Orleans, my birthplace, and new home to both the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience (5 Star!) and an Airbnb called Synagogue, in a former synagogue, with all history removed and in its stead, Christian art (decidedly NOT 5 stars). Read my reviews of both with photos, and get yourself to NOLA! ??⚜️